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This year Sant Jordi USA is hybrid, with in-person events in Chicago and New York and online programming. 




6:00–8:00pm CDT: Volumes Bookcafe 

1373 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60622


Poems and Power: Translation as Intimate Philosophy​ with Kristen Renee Miller and Alta L. Price

​Come celebrate National Poetry Month with a reading and conversation about new books interweaving poetry and philosophy. Kristen Renee Miller will present Ilnu First Nation poet Marie-Andrée Gill’s Heating the Outdoors and Spawn, and Alta L. Price will introduce Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s new treatise Hölderlin’s Madness.



3:00–4:00pm CDT: City Lit Books 

2523 N Kedzie Blvd, Chicago, IL 60647


The World Blossoms in Chicago: Translation as Connection with Winifred Bird and Ellen Vayner

​Join us for readings from new Japanese and Russian books in translation! Hear Winifred Bird on translating Tomihiko Morimi’s latest collection Fox Tales, and Ellen Vayner with Red Crosses and Not Russian on translating contemporary fiction from Russian into English. read more...

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10:30–11:30am CDT: 57th Street Books

1301 E 57th St, Chicago, IL 60637

Sant Jordi Story Time: Dragons & Roses with Bel Olid and Pol Galofre

Friends, family—everyone is invited to join two creative, multilingual storytellers in our favorite labyrinthine local bookstore to hear all about the Catalan legend of Sant Jordi. Think dragons, princesses, princes, Saint George, and so much more… 

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3:00–4:30pm CDT: Seminary Co-op

5751 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60637


Wilder Winds in the Windy City: Fum d’Estampa Press and SALT with Bel Olid, Alba Girons, and Jason Grunebaum

A reading from Bel Olid’s new story collection Wilder Winds followed by a discussion between Bel and Alba Girons. Jason Grunebaum will introduce The SALT Project to Promote South Asian Literature in Translation.


New York


10:00am–1:00pm EST: AT NYU KJCC 

53 Washington Square S, New York, NY 10012
Kids Program organized by the Catalan Institute of America

Xocolatada amb xurros​, roses, exchange of books in Catalan (bring yours) and a short film screening. 


3:00pm EST: Center for Fiction 

15 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217


Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World with author Irene Vallejo, translator Charlotte Whittle, and moderator Sarah Ruden

In Papyrus, The Invention of Books in the Ancient World, an extraordinary international bestseller, Irene Vallejo tells the thrilling tale of the birth of books. Long before books were mass-produced, scrolls hand-copied on reeds pulled from the Nile were the treasures of the ancient world. Read more...

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7:30pm EST: Molasses Bookstore

770 Hart St, Brooklyn, NY 11237


- Please join Archipelago Books and Molasses Bookstore for a reading by Jacob Rogers from his translation of The Last Days of Terranova by Manuel Rivas and a conversation with translator and writer Sam Rutter

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Unnameable Books

615 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11238


Please join Archipelago and Open Letter in the garden at Unnameable Books for for two fabulous Sant Jordi USA - NY  event on April 26th! Wine and cheese will be served! 

7:00pm EST:

- Natasha Wimmer will talk with Jennifer Shyue about her translation of Augusto Higa Oshiro’s The Enlightenment of Katzuo Nakamatsu and the entanglements of Japanese-Peruvian identity it reveals.

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8:00pm EST:

- The Adventures and Misadventures of the Extraordinary and Admirable Joan Orpi, Conquistador and Founder of New Catalonia, with author Max Besora, in person, publisher Kaija Straumanis, and Catalanist Mary Ann Newman

They will discuss the influence of North American writers of the 60s and 70s on contemporary Catalan literature and the Latin American imaginary in Catalan literature.

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Watch Live Stream on Youtube:


Watch again here


- Goddesses of Water with translator Samantha Schnee and author Jeannette Clariond


- Paul Holdengraber speaks for Sant Jordi

- El Jo-Ull / The I-Eye with Vicenç Altaió, Tom Carr, Marc Arnal and  Marialena Carr

FOCUS on Hyperion Special Catalan issue

- Discussion on translating La llum subterrània / The Underground Light with author Xavier Mas Craviotto and translator James Hawkey


- Unnamable with Catalan poet Anna Gual and poet and translator AKaiser

- Late to the House of Words by Gemma Gorga: Selected Poems with translator Sharon Dolin

- FOCUS ON JILL! reading series devoted to Women+ in translation

From the Jill! Archives: Sant Jordi will present a selection of the favorite authors and translators featured in Jill!’s series, directed by Larissa Kyzer with Johanna McCalmont, Mina Kounghye Kwon, Kebedech Tekleab and Chris Beckett, Kristen Gehrman, Ainsley Morse, Stefani J. Alvarez with translator Alton Melvar M. Dapanas, Modupe Adeyemo, Patricia Worth, Shashi Martynova, Izidora Angel, Kareem James Abu-Zeid, Suzanne Jill Levine


2-5pm EST / 1-4pm CDT Live-Stream here


- Volcanoes Are Boring: A Reading from Sigríður Hagalín Björnsdóttir's The Fires with translator Larissa Kyzer

- Reading from Joana Estrela's Pardalita with translator Lyn Miller-Lachmann

- The Betrothed: Crossing the border to freedom with translator Michael F. Moore

- The Hollow Pillars of the Law: Ennio Moltedo’s Chilean Night with translator Marguerite Feitlowitz

2:30pm Hyperion Special Catalan issue

- And, suddenly, Paradise: New translation of a Catalan Novel about Internet Addiction with author Núria Perpinyà, and writer Jaume Pons Alorda

FOCUS ON independent literary presses

Conversations, readings, images, music featuring the books of these four independent literary presses

3:00pm: FOCUS ON HarperVia

- Reading from Ia Genberg’s The Details with translator Kira Josefsson 

- Walking Practice by Dolki Min [돌기민]: Embodying Queerness in Text with translator Victoria Caudle

- The Whirlpool with translator Elena Pala

- Straddling Fantasy and Reality: Tomihiko Morimi’s Kyoto with Winifred Bird and Emily Balistrieri

4:00pm: FOCUS ON New Directions

- New Translations of Brazilian modernist Mário de Andrade Macunaíma: The Hero with No Character and The Apprentice Tourist with translators Katrina Dodson, Flora Thomson-DeVeaux

4:30pm: FOCUS ON Archipelago and New Vessel Press

- Can Each Word Risk the Transit? Maja Haderlap’s poetry with translator Tess Lewis

- Stênio Gardel's The Words That Remain with translator Bruna Dantas Lobato

- Hans von Trotha's Pollak’s Arm with translator Elisabeth Lauffer

- Reading from Adrien Goetz's Villa of Delirium by translator Natasha Lehrer

EXTRA! And, suddenly, Paradise: reading by author Núria Perpinyà



Watch again here


- Author Carmen Boullosa and translator Samantha Schnee present The Book of Eve


– Three Contemporary Catalan Poets in Translation: Maria-Mercè Marçal's Witch in Mourning, Anna Dodas i Noguer's The Volcano, and Dolors Miquel's Truck Driver Haikus, with translator Clyde Moneyhun


- I Went to See My Father with translator Anton Hur

- Transparencies: a conversation among author Maria Borio and translator Danielle Pieratti


- Amazigh Literature: The Construction of an Indigenous Consciousness with translator Brahim El Guabli


FOCUS on Hyperion Special Catalan issue

​with readings from Xavier Mas Craviotto, tr. James Hawley; Eugeni d’Ors, tr. Mary Ann Newman; Raül Garrigasaït, tr. Tiago Miller, Pepe Sales, tr. Tiago Miller; (Women poets) Anna Gual, tr. AKaiser; Felicia Fuster, tr. Marialena Carr 

Always Advancing: The publisher of Hyperion magazine and Contra Mundum Press, Rainer Hanshe, explains the philosophy of the house.

- Pepe Sales – The Unconventional Elan of a Cultural Agitator presented by Paul Spalding-Mulcock

- Oceanography of Tedium: Eugeni d’Ors Plumbs the Depths

- Cebrià Montoliu, Transatlantic Cultural Worker with translator AKaiser

- Away on Unwritten Paths: Seven Poems by Felícia Fuster


Live-Stream here


- Dolors Miquel's The Pink Plastic Glove with translator Peter Bush and performance poet Nadia de Vries

- Unnamable with Catalan poet Anna Gual and poet and translator AKaiser (Hyperion Special Catalan issue)


- Wenling’s: Chinese hairdresser battles racism in Barcelona with author Gemma Ruiz Palà and translator Peter Bush

- Late to the House of Words by Gemma Gorga: Selected Poems with translator Sharon Dolin


- The Volcano and Evenings of Fire and Crimson: The Life and Work of Anna Dodas i Noguer with translator Clyde Moneyhun

- Izidora Angel Reads from “Family Portrait of a Black Earth” by Yordanka Beleva (FOCUS ON JILL!)

- Joan Fuster Observes the 20th Century: Final Judgements with translator Mary Ann Newman


- Commander of the River: a reading with author Ubah Cristina Ali Farah and translator Hope Campbell Gustafson 

- Arms and the Woman I Sing: a Modern Day Epic with translator Tess Lewis

- Irène Némirovsky's Master of Souls: 's novel about immigration, corruption, and greed, set in France in the 1930s with translator Sandra Smith

- Poems by Patrick Rosal with translator Keila Vall de la Ville


- Cuban Wendy Guerra’s Delicates: A Bilingual Reading with co-translators Nancy Naomi Carlson and Esperanza Hope Snyder


- Set Portes Cookbook Collection: a conversation among Rosi Song, Paco Solé Parellada and Bob Davidson 

- Irène Némirovsky's The Prodigal Child: Ishmael's gift of wonderful music and song leads him on an incredible journey in life with translator Sandra Smith

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Interactive platform created by LAIA CABRERA & CO.

(Isabelle Duverger & Laia Cabrera)

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