Mary Ann Newman Mary Ann Newman translates from Catalan and, occasionally, Spanish. She has done fiction by Quim Monzó and Josep Maria de Sagarra, essay by Xavier Rubert de Ventós, poetry by Josep Carner, Maria Callís, Àngels Gregori, and now a snippet from Eugeni d’Ors. Newman has received the Creu de Sant Jordi (1998), the J-B. Cendrós Award (2016), the NACS Award for Catalan Studies (2017), and the Fundació Ramon Llull Award (2022) for her work as a translator and advocate for Catalan culture. She is currently working on Sebastià Alzamora’s Rage and Àngels Gregori’s Great Trees Fall. For fun, she curates Sant Jordi festivals.

Originally born in Spain, Ignacio Garcia-Bustelo is a New York based actor and stage director. As an actor, he has worked for the National Theater; here in the US he has performed at La MaMa ETC, The Theatre Project, Olney Theater Center, Theater for the New City. Off-Broadway directing credits: Wearing Lorca’s Bowtie, The Dark Stone, and the devised opera Signora Rossini. He also directed more recently the immersive piece Theater to Circumnavigate the World, Mr. Garcia-Bustelo serves as the Artistic Director of AENY - Spanish Artists in New York; he is a Fulbright Scholar, and holds a BFA from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in Madrid, and a MFA from The New School for Drama in NYC.

Laia Cabrera is an award-winning filmmaker and video artist based in New York, working in the fields of art Installations-new cinema. Her wide range of artworks, from traditional and experimental filmmaking, visual poetry, interactive art and immersive projection mapping installations, has been commissioned by major institutions and presented worldwide in leading venues, art galleries and festivals. Identity and consciousness have been constant themes in her work, exploring concepts of otherness, symbolism, and hope, the art of seeing and the nature of belonging.

Alta L. Price runs a publishing consultancy specialized in literature and nonfiction texts on art, architecture, design, and culture. Alta’s translations from Italian and German include works by Giorgio Agamben, Dana Grigorcea, Alexander Kluge, Aldo Novarese, and Martin Mosebach. Alta’s latest books are Juli Zeh’s novel New Year—finalist for the 2022 PEN America Translation Prize as well as the Helen & Kurt Wolff Prize—and Mithu Sanyal’s novel Identitti. [Photo credit: Audre Rae]

Izidora Angel is a Bulgarian-born writer and literary translator in Chicago and the author of three full-length translations. She was awarded an NEA translation fellowship for her work on Yordanka Beleva's Keder and the Gulf Coast Prize in Translation for her work on Rene Karabash's novel, She Who Remains. Best Literary Translations 2024 features a short story from Keder, "Family Portrait of the Black Earth," by Yordanka Beleva.

Noh Anothai is co-editor for Best Literary Translations and also translates out of Thai. Find his most recent work "The Snow Girl" in the January 2024 issue of Asymptote.

Lizzie Davis is a writer, an editor, and a translator from Spanish and Italian. Her recent translations include Juan Cárdenas’s novels The Devil of the Provinces (longlisted for the 2023 National Book Award for Translated Literature) and Ornamental (finalist for the 2021 PEN Translation Prize).

Isabelle Duverger is an award-winning French painter and installation artist based in New York. Her work includes paintings, public art, immersive interactive video installations, video-art and animation. Her work is focused on the relationship between emotions and body language, the observation of patterns, imaginary landscapes and how the human presence interacts in it, and the pursuit of new languages through technology.

Rosa Godia Cabrera is a student of Media Studies and Journalism, as well as a specialist in Social Media and Visual Communication, with an extensive portfolio in video and web platforms. She is also a professional dancer, performer, and multimedia creator.
Jein Han translates from and into Korean. She received the American Literary Translators Association's Emerging Translator Mentorship for Korean poetry in 2021. You can read her translations in Black Sun Lit, Guernica, and elsewhere.
Stine An is a poet and translator based in New York City. She has received support from the American Literary Translators Association, the PEN/Heim Translation Fund, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Her translations appear in Black Sun Lit, World Literature Today, Waxwing, and elsewhere.
Maurice Rodriguez is a writer, translator, and professor from Connecticut. He holds an MA in English from the University of Connecticut, and an MFA from The New School in Creative Writing. His work has appeared in HASH, Puerto del Sol, ANMLY, and most recently in Deep Vellum’s inaugural Best Literary Translations anthology of 2024.
Sonia Alland translates from French and Catalan. She has published works by the French writer, Marie Bronsard and poetry by Salah Al Hamdani. Publications from the Catalan are: Portbou: a Catalan Memoir by Maria Mercè Roca (Pinyon Publishing 2020) and works by the Catalan poets, Narcis Comadira and Feliu Fermosa. Her translations of their poems appeared in the special Catalan issue of Metamorphoses published in 2024.
Kari Hukkila is a writer based in Helsinki, Finland, writing in Finnish language. He has worked in many genres, published approximately 60 drama texts mostly in the context of postdramatic performing arts as well as essays. The novel One Thousand & One, that was published by Contra Mundum Press in 2023 came out in Finnish in 2016 by Teos, and was awarded the Helmet Prize in 2018. Besides this novel Contra Mundum Press has previously published his essay "An Algerian Friend" from The Heretic Essays (2010) in Hyperion.
David Hackston is a British translator of Finnish and Swedish literature and drama. He graduated from University College London with a degree in Scandinavian Studies and now lives in Helsinki where he works as a freelance translator.
Carles Guerra is an art critic, teacher, and researcher. He has been director of the Photographic Spring of Catalonia festival, director of the Virreina Centre de la Imatge, chief curator of the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) and, between 2015 and 2020, director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies. His research has delved into the field of dialogic practices in the fields of art and visual culture.
Jordana Mendelson is an art historian author, curator, and professor. She currently serves as associate professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literature at New York University and, since 2020, Director of its KJC Center.
Julia Sanches is a literary translator working from Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan into English. Born in São Paulo, Brazil, she has spent extended periods of time in the United States, Mexico, Switzerland, Scotland, and Catalonia, giving her an intimate knowledge of the languages, cultures, and literatures she works in. She is a founding member of Cedilla & Co., a collective of translators committed to making international voices heard in English, and chair of the Translators Group of the Authors Guild.
Kira Josefsson is a writer, editor, and translator working between Swedish and English. The winner of a PEN/Heim grant, her work has also been shortlisted for the Bernard Shaw Prize. She lives in Queens, New York, and regularly writes on US events and politics in the Swedish press. She is the translator of The Details by Ia Genberg, shortlisted for the International Booker Prize 2024.
Barbara Capponi (AKA Babas) worked for years as an art director at one of the most important advertising agencies. She has been a full-time artist since 2014. She lives in Rome, Italy.
Katherine Gregor is a writer of fiction and non-fiction, as well as a literary translator from Italian and French. She blogs under ScribeDoll.
Àngels Gregori i Parra was born in Oliva, Valencia, in 1985 and her attachment to the land is manifest in Poefesta, the poetry festival she founded in Oliva in 2005, which continues to flourish and attracts poets and readers from far and wide. Gregori has won many poetry awards, including the Amadeu Oller (2003), the Ausiàs March (2007), the Alfons el Magnànim (2007), the Jocs Florals de Barcelona (2013), and the Vicenç Andrés Estellés (2017).
Robin Myers is a poet and translator. Her latest translations include A Whale Is a Country by Isabel Zapata, What Comes Back by Javier Peñalosa M., The Law of Conservation by Mariana Spada, Bariloche by Andrés Neuman, and Copy by Dolores Dorantes.
Anita Gopalan is a translator and stock investor. She translates the Hindi author, Geet Chaturvedi. Her translation of his novel Simsim (Penguin Random House India) was longlisted for the JCB Prize for Literature. She was also awarded the PEN/Heim Translation Fund grant for its translation. Her translation of his poetry, ‘The Memory of Now’, was the winner of the Anomalous Press Chapbook Reading and featured in the SPD’s bestseller list.
Samantha Schnee is the founding editor of Words Without Borders, which has published 4,400 writers from 139 countries since the online magazine launched in 2003. As a translator from Spanish, she is the recipient of a 2023 National Endowment of the Arts Literature Fellowship to translate eminent Mexican author Carmen Boullosa’s novel El complot de los románticos as well as a 2024 Berlin Prize from the American Academy in Berlin to translate Irati Elorrieta’s award-winning debut novel, Luces de invierno.
Lara Norgaard is a PhD student in comparative literature at Harvard. Among other things, she writes about collective memory of state violence, leftist cultural circulation between Latin America and Southeast Asia, and histories of U.S.-backed, anti-communist military dictatorships. Her reporting alongside a team of five Brazilian reporters on forced displacements in Rio de Janeiro received the Vladimir Herzog Prize for human rights journalism.
Catalina Infante Beovic is a Chilean writer, publisher, and bookstore owner. Her debut novella, La grieta, was published in 2023 by Emecé, an imprint of Planeta, and is forthcoming in English translation with World Editions. In addition to her other books and publications, her work appears in translation in World Literature Today, Columbia Journal, and the HarperCollins/Amistad anthology Daughters of Latin America as well as the Deep Vellum Best Literary Translations 2024 anthology.
Michelle Mirabella is a Spanish-to-English literary translator whose work appears in The Arkansas International, Southwest Review, World Literature Today, the anthologies Daughters of Latin America (HarperCollins/Amistad) and Best Literary Translations 2024 (Deep Vellum), and elsewhere. She is an alumna of the Bread Loaf Translators’ Conference and the Banff International Literary Translation Centre. Her translation of Catalina Infante Beovic’s debut novella, La grieta, is forthcoming with World Editions.
Born in 1936 in the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Hebe Uhart – a chronicler, traveler, and teacher – is one of the most original voices in the Spanish language. Her Collected Stories won the Buenos Aires Bookfair Prize (2010), and she received Argentina’s National Endowment of the Arts Prize (2015), as well as the Manuel Rojas Ibero-American Narrative Prize (2017). Hebe Uhart died in 2018.
Margaret Jull Costa is a distinguished British translator of Portuguese and Spanish fiction and poetry. Her career spans translations of works by José Saramago, José Maria de Eça de Queirós, Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis, Juan José Saer, Benito Pérez Galdós, Carmen Martín Gaite, Javier Marías, and Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, among others. She has won countless prizes, including the Officer of the Order of the British Empire and the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize, being the translator who has won it more times than any other.
Jerónimo Pizarro is a Professor at the Universidad de los Andes and holds the Camões Institute Chair of Portuguese Studies in Colombia. He has contributed seven volumes to the critical edition of Fernando Pessoa’s Works, with the last volume being the first critical edition of the Livro do Desasocego. He won the Eduardo Lourenço Prize and the Medal of Cultural Merit from the Government of Portugal. He is the editor of the latest edition of Fernando Pessoa’s Book of Disquiet (New Directions, 2017).
Felix K. Nesi (b. 1988) is an author from Insana in West Timor. Along with People from Oetimu, he has published a collection of short stories entitled Usaha Membunuh Sepi (2016). With the support of the Indonesian National Book Committee, he has researched Timorese slavery in the Netherlands. He is also the founder of a bookstore, a library, and the book festival Kencan Buku Fesek, all in West Timor. In 2022, Nesi was a fellow at the University of Iowa’s International Writers Program. He lives in Kupang.
Bernard Capinpin is a poet and translator. He is a recipient of a PEN/Heim Translation Fund Grant. He lives in the Philippines.
Enrique S. Villasis is a poet and scriptwriter. His first book of poems, Agua (Librong Lira, 2015 & 2022) was a finalist for National Book Awards. His second book of poems is forthcoming.
'Gabriela Wiener's ease and grace allow her in Undiscoveredto explore family, desire, racism, colonialism and being a migrant both tenderly and crudely, vulnerable yet resolute like her beautiful prose.' (Mariana Enríquez)
Eliana Hernández-Pachón received her BA in anthropology from Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. The Brush received the Colombia National Poetry Prize in 2020, making Hernández-Pachón the youngest poet to ever receive this honor. She runs an independent poetry press based out of New York called Como un lugar.
Geet Chaturvedi is a poet, novelist, and essayist. He is one of the most widely read authors in contemporary Hindi literature. He is the author of twelve books including Simsim that, in Anita Gopalan’s translation won the PEN America’s PEN/Heim Translation Fund grant and was longlisted for the JCB Prize for Literature 2023, India’s richest literary award.